IMS Ventures


(703) 837-8821

Contact IMS Ventures

IMS Ventures takes pride in performing a quick but thorough evaluation of each entrepreneur’s plans. We require the following items to evaluate your business idea on a preliminary basis: 

Your Elevator Pitch 

Briefly describe (what you could tell us in about 30 seconds) what your company does, why your product is unique, who your existing/potential customers are, and why someone would buy your product or service. Be prepared to answer any questions related to this, provide backup information, and perhaps, provide third-party information sources to support your position. 

Your Business Plan 

We recognize that your business plan may not be complete at this stage. Send us your most recent plan, and please include financial projections for years through 4, current product status (with major milestones and completion dates), and your sales and distribution plans. Provide a current capitalization table. If you cannot provide the table, please list all current investors, amounts and dates invested, share and option holders plus the amounts they own, and shares in option pools. Provide a post-money valuation based on the above. 


Please submit your information and plan electronically. You may use the button below to upload your plan, or you can send us an email. We will review your plan within 10 business days of your submission and contact you as soon as possible. You can also reach us at the telephone or fax numbers below. 

Service Area 



(703) 837-8821